


My name is Gina and I am a writer. My first two novels, Lady White and The Rose Among Thorns,  were released a couple years back, but I still see myself as an aspiring author because with everything I write I feel like it could be better. My novels weren't published traditionally, which means I didn't, and still don't, have an agent, nor did I have various publishing companies fighting over who is going to publish my book. That doesn't mean my writing isn't any good though. It just means I got impatient, especially since I didn't really have a good understanding of the publishing industry. I truly, truly commend and respect any author who has self-published their work and had success, because it's a lot more difficult than I ever thought. But when you are passionate about something, you fight for it and you never give up, even if your life takes a couple detours along the way.
That's me.
 I'm a writer, it's a God-given gift that pulses through my veins, but I also just happen to be a clerk at a drug store. Most days I feel more like the clerk than the writer, and that's why I started this blog. Trying to go after your dream while also having the responsibilities and obligations that go along with your everyday life can be a struggle and I've noticed that sometimes the responsibilities and obligations can start to overshadow your dream so much that you start to not even see it. That's when you have to take life by the horns and say, yeah, I have these responsibilities, I have a job, I have a family and a house that needs to be cleaned, clothes that need to be washed and I have to figure out something to cook for dinner, but I also have a responsibility to myself. I MUST go after my dream! And you know what? I think we can do this.
So, this blog is my journey of prioritizing my life, going after my dream of traditionally publishing a novel, and learning to deal with the frustrations of everyday adult life (which I am still relatively new to, lol.) And to make it a little more interesting, because exactly how exciting can a drug store clerk's life be?, I'm going to be cooking my way through this journey, trying all sorts of new-to-me recipes that I find in magazines and on Pinterest, and giving an honest review of what I thought. Plus, I think my boyfriend will really appreciate some good food.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoy my everyday stories a little more than I did experiencing them and maybe you'll find something new for dinner tonight too.
My mother murdered by my father’s hand.
All whom I loved taken by a jealous God.
An undeserving bounty on my head.
I had no choice but to become what I am.
The Realm’s sole purpose was to glorify the God who created them. Yet as selfishness and greed grew in the hearts of men, the Realm’s purpose was forgotten. Only the Kingdom of Linolae withstood the power of the evil one and made a stand against his lusting allies, remembering the God who always caused them to triumph. But the times grow darker and an army must arise. Only a lass worthy can lead this kingdom to victory and save the Realms from their own destruction. From the loins of a very unsuspecting maiden will she come.
Alina aer Anya, otherwise known as the White Lady, carries a sordid past as she rides with her band of men killing for the nobles’ coin. She searches for her own path in life, one without trust, without love, and without the God of her mother. But as she rides to fulfill a task for a power-hungry ruler, she finds a crossroad in her path, and her hardened heart begins to soften. Will she allow evil forebodings and her sordid past to keep her from a trusting friend and the arms of the man she loves? Or will she turn at life’s crossroad and begin her days anew? As she pens her tale in the dungeon of King Richard, only her writings and the hope of escape keep her alive.
This is the tale of how the notorious White Lady became the beloved Lady White.
 I'd love if you'd take a second and like my page on Facebook, share it with your friends, and follow me on Twitter!
Gina Bovyn

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