Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Very Own Love Story

Reading is one of my favorite past times. A good book can reel me in and keep me there for hours. But one abominable thing I always do is . . .read the end before the beginning. Horrible? I know! But I like to make sure I'll finish the book feeling satisfied. One book I've read, which will remain nameless, has brought me to do this. It was a great book, but the end, though a complete shocker, left me feeling dejected and angry. You may say, But if it brought some type of emotion out of you, it must have been a great book! Usually that's what we authors are shooting for. But for me, I prefer a book that makes me sigh in happiness with the only tears in my eyes being from the beauty in the hero and heroine's love. I know this isn't how everyone feels, but let us just agree to disagree.

At times, I'll close my eyes and picture my life as one of my novels, especially when I'm lying in bed at night. I'll reminise on the events that made me the woman I am today and then I'll imagine what my future may be like, or rather what I pray it'll be like. Sometimes I'll even catch myself asking Jesus, "Lord, please show me how it's going to be." But no matter how badly I want to, I can't read the end of my story, and though I know that God is more than able to show me things to come, life is a journey, one with many twists and turns, decisions and choices. If I knew the end before the rest, it wouldn't be me making the choices and God wants us to be free to make the right decisions and the wrong ones. (But He's always wanting us to make the right ones.) The journey is a privelage. And I know that when we choose God, though it may be a shocker, our end will be great. I am most confident that at the end of my life, I will be satisfied and happy. Why? Because I'm allowing God to be the writer. I have made the choice to give Him the pen, and the rest of my decisions will be based on what He says.

One of these decisons I've made is to wait for love. In this day and age, finding love in life is a major priority. And I'm not belittling it. We all want someone to love, that special person. But I don't want just a special someone, I want the special someone. When I was young I told my mother that I only wanted the man who would be husband. I came to this choice because I witnessed the heartbreak of friends and I didn't want to get hurt. My choice was made out of fear. And I grew up with that choice, even though as I got older it became such bondage. I was lonely, heartbroken. I had made the decison to wait so I wouldn't get hurt, yet I ended up suffering a complete different heartache that hurt just as bad anyway! Then something amazing happened. I fell in love with Jesus.

I've always known of God. My family has gone to church ever since I was born. But I never had a relationship with Christ. He was just there for me, someone I had to pray to. But then a medical scare arose and He was the One I turned to. For once in my life, I sought His face, His companionship, His love. And what love! My goodness! The love of God is greater than anything a human heart can fathom. I fell in love with Him, with His Word, with His sacrifice. He died for me! Why? Because He loves me too much to see me be condemned. Praise God! With the love of Christ I was complete.

This is something I've only realized a few weeks ago. I am complete in Him, and so is every other person who calls Him Lord. As one of my favorite preachers says, we don't need to find our second half. We are whole people, searching for another whole person. If this is new for you, read Colossians 2:10. It says, And ye are complete in him . . . The Amplified states, And you are in Him, made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ you too are filled with theGodhead-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- and reach full spiritual stature . . .] He is my everything. But does that mean my desire to be a wife has diminished? No, on the contrary. I'm more excited than ever. I realize now that being complete in Jesus is going to make me a much better wife than I would be feeling as if my husband was everything. Why? Because I will be able to love him even when he gets on my nerves, even when he hurts my feelings. I'm complete in Jesus, and I am believing that the man God has for me will hold Jesus first in his heart as well. So, in a much happier attitude, I am still waiting. Not because I don't want to be hurt, but because I want the one man God made for me and me for him. I can't settle for anything less. And I know that when the time is right, my very own love story will be greater than I could have imagined. I'm expecting something great!

So for all my single brothers and sisters in Christ out there, hold on. Seek God first, make Him first in your heart. And allow Him to lead you to the one He has chosen. Let us not give in to the temptations of this world, but live as ambassadors for Christ, as an example to the rest, walking in love and loving strong. Be blessed everybody! And happy seeking

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